- Welcome/
- Developing new homes/
- Affordable rural housing development process
Affordable rural housing development process

We generally provide new affordable housing through one of two planning routes:
- 1. Rural Exception Sites (RES)
We tend to develop new schemes on Rural Exception Sites (RES). These are small sites within or adjoining villages that would not usually be considered for residential development.
They are an exception to this because they provide affordable homes to meet the housing needs of the community in perpetuity. They are in fact tailor-made for rural communities.
Find out more about how we develop homes on Rural Exception Sites.
- 2. Buying affordable homes on a private development
We do also purchase complete affordable homes, from developers who have developed a market housing scheme, which includes a % of affordable homes.
These sites are sometimes referred to as Section 106 led developments. They can be allocated in the Local Plan or by windfall sites.
- What does a finished PDRHA home look like?
Find out more about our finished and in development homes: