Aids and adaptations
Our aim is to enable people to stay in their own home and live as independently as possible.

If you have a disability, or find it hard to get around because of long-term illness, you may be able to have adjustments to your home to make it safer and easier to move around.
The first step for applying for home adaptations is to get an assessment from your local authority. Once an assessment has been done, they will write a report recommending adaptations and equipment. They will send this to you and us.
Help with costs
You may be entitled to assistance with some or all of the costs of any adaptions. And there are also grants available.
Take a look at the NHS website for further information.
What to do next?
If you'd like to apply for adaptions to your property, please get in touch with us so we can offer advice.
If you’re arranging for the work to be done privately, you must receive written permission from us before making any changes to your property. We’ll need details of the work you would like carried out, and who will make the changes. Please email this information to us.